Saturday, June 23, 2007

Romney Roving

This is the yarn I spun last night from the NZ Romney top I got from RH Lindsay's, still some overspun squiggles and some underspun fluffs--- but it went smoothly and I think I'm getting the tension better, at least I sense when it needs more pull or twist.

I'll try plying it tonight when I have spun the last bits.

It's tonight now, and the photo above shows the plied Romney. It still has uneven bits, and even one break, but I feel like I'm maybe a bit more able to pull this spinning thing off.
The last photo is a bobbin of the dyed colonial top I got with my spindle; still hoping it will be a hat someday. This was tonight's spinning after the plying; would love to do more but the eyes won't stay open.

Busy in the shop today; better busy than so quiet it gets boring!

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